As an experienced practitioner I use an electroacupuncture, a modern therapy derived from Chinese acupuncture without using needles, to assist in the selection of homeopathic remedies to treat patients. I use a EAV device developed by Dr Voll know an electroacupuncture (EAV) according to Voll. To take bioelectronic readings on the EAV device I use a hand-held electrode, a probe and a honeycomb grid to hold remedies vials to test treatment required. The probe is no invasive it’s like a ball point pen lightly pressed on the skin, on the precise meridian points on the hands and feet to measure the readings of the energy in a scale divided in to 100 units. The EAV device provides an individualised treatment plan of anti-homotoxic homeopathic medications. After a course of treatment, usually 5 weeks, a retest on the EAV device will determine if the body has successfully cleared the toxins.